How Do I Cancel My Subscription?

Last Updated: July 21, 2022

If you have subscribed to a product from our website via Paddle and would like to cancel your subscription or change certain details, we are here to help.

Step 1. Find Your Transaction Receipt Email.

Generally, you will receive a transaction receipt email from Paddle if you purchase a subscription plan. And the easiest option is to look for a link to within the email and click it.

FineCam Cancel Subscription Paddle

Cancel Subscription Paddle

Step 2. Cancel Subscription using Virtual Assistant.

This will open our virtual assistant, and it will already know your order details and be able to help you straight away with many common queries such as subscription cancellations.

Use Virtual Assistant to Cancel Subscription

Use Virtual Assistant to Cancel Subscription

Alternatively, you can visit directly, but you will first have to find your transaction using your email address or transaction details.

If You Can’t Cancel Subscription?

If the virtual assistant is not able to resolve your query or you purchased FineCam from another platform, be free to contact us with your purchased information and we are willing to help you get it out.

Can't find the answer to your question?

Contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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