DMCA Policy

All content, data, models, and derivative works found on Fineshare are generated by the Fineshare Community and should be utilized in accordance with Fineshare's Terms of Service, specially for parody purposes. Fineshare holds no liability for any data uploaded by its users. If you believe your copyrighted content is being infringed, please submit a DMCA request through this link.

Notification of Copyright Infringement: Fineshare complies with 17 U.S.C. §512 and the DMCA. It is our policy to respond to infringement notices and take appropriate actions under the DMCA and other similar laws.

If your copyrighted work has been posted on Fineshare or if links to your copyrighted work show in the search engine results and you want the content to be removed from Fineshare, you must provide a written communication that details the information listed in the following part. It is important to note that misrepresenting information regarding copyrighted content that infringes upon your rights may result in you being held responsible for damages, including costs and attorney’s fees.

To submit a copyright infringement claim, the following elements must be included:

a. Evidence of authorization from the copyright owner, allowing you to act on their behalf regarding the allegedly infringed exclusive right.

b. A detailed description of the copyrighted work that you assert has been infringed, including at least one search term that leads to the material within Fineshare's search results.

c. A statement affirming the complainant's sincere belief that the use of the material, as described, lacks authorization from the copyright owner, their agent, or is in violation of applicable laws.

d. A statement confirming the accuracy of the information provided in the notification. Additionally, under penalty of perjury, the complainant must affirm their authority to act on behalf of the owner of the exclusive right allegedly infringed. This statement must be signed by the authorized individual representing the owner of the exclusive right allegedly infringed.

Report Copyright Infringement

Please submit your information using the provided form below. We will respond to you as soon as possible:

Your Name*

Your E-Mail*


Your URL of the copyrighted work*

Describe the copyrighted work*

We have received your submission and will respond to you as soon as possible.